+91 20-26169375 | +91 9922278577 udkassociates@gmail.com

Ownership Schemes / IT Parks

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Due to the instant growth in real estate market, most of the lands in and around cities are under development for promotion of Ownership Schemes consisting of bungalows, row houses, duplexes, multiplexes, schools, colleges, hospitals, flats, offices show rooms, blocks etc.

Our Firm renders legal services to both the Developers as well as to the Purchasers, as the case may be, right from purchase of land till completion of construction and sale of the project/s. IT & BIO_TECH Companies prefer to set up their units in the State of Maharashtra due to its accommodative and lucrative industrial policy. Considering IT/Bio-Tech Companies the properties are either built to suit the requirement of those projects as per their specifications or developed and built considering international standards.

Our Firm renders legal services to the Developers as well as to the IT/Bio-Tech Companies, who are setting up or wish to set up their IT Units in the State of Maharashtra. Our Firm considers its responsibility that the clients are fully satisfied with our services till the assigned task is completed.

Stay Local but Traught Global is our motto! And holding on to our motto we have a huge list of clients across the globe!

Our lawyers offer expert insight into the issues that matter.

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City Bay Building
UDK Associates Law Firm Office in Pune
UDK Associates Law Firm Office in Pune
UDK Associates Law Firm Office in Pune
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UDK Office
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UDK Associates Law Firm Office in Pune

About Us

UDK & Associates is a well known Law Firm, having its office at Pune and is rendering its services to numerous National & Multinational Companies, Builders/ Promoters/ Developers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Trusts, Banks and also individual clients. We are known for our legal expertise and experience in the areas of Property law, Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Commercial & Business Law.

We also offer specialized legal services in the areas of Real Estates, Civil Litigations, Family Law, Arbitration Law and Tribunals.

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